Henry Lion Oldie (Dmitry Gromov + Oleg Ladyzhensky)
Home Phone: (0572) 474830.
Pushkinsky entry,
# 10, apt. 30.
Oleg S. Ladyzhensky was born at the 23rd of March 1963 in the town
Kharkov (Ukraine, former USSR). Entered the Kharkov Culture Institute in
1980 (the department of Theatre Producers) and graduated in 1984. Married
the same year. His daughter was born in 1985.
Oleg Ladyzhensky worked as a theatre producer from 1984 to 1999.
He brought more than ten productions to the stage.
Oleg Ladyzhensky is a "Black Belt" (second degree) in GOJU-RIU (a
kind of Karate-Do). He is a chief instructor of GOJU-RIU school in
Kharkov, as well as a republic category referee in Full-Contact Karate.
Presently, his main occupations are writer and editor.
He writes fantasy and science fiction stories and novels in
co-authorship with his friend Dmitry E. Gromov from 1990.
Their first joint publication was the story "Happiness in the
Written Form" (1991, Russia).
Oleg's main hobbie is a jazz music.
Home Phone: (0572) 472991.
Pushkinsky entry,
# 10, apt. 28.
E-Mail: (Internet): oldie@kharkov.com
NetMail (FidoNet): 2:461/76.2 Dmitriy Gromov
Dmitry E. Gromov was born at the 30th of March 1963 in the town
Simferopol (Ukraine, former USSR). In 1969 his family migrated to the
town of Sevastopol (Ukraine, former USSR) and in 1974 -- to the town
Kharkov (Ukraine, former USSR) where Dmitry has lived to the present.
In 1980 he entered the Kharkov Polytechnical Institute (the
department of Inorganic Chemistry) and graduated in 1986. Afterwards, he
worked as a chemist-engineer in Scientific-Research Institute of Main
Chemistry (Kharkov). In 1988 Dmitry entered the post-graduate study of
the Chair of General and Inorganic Chemistry in Kharkov Polytechnical
Institute. Graduated from it in 1991.
Since 1992 he has worked as an editor.
Dmitry Gromov married in 1989. His son was born the same year.
Dmitry Gromov has been writing science fiction and fantasy since
1976. From 1990 -- in co-authorship with his friend Oleg Ladyzhensky. His
first publication was the story "The Co-ordinates of the Death" (1991,
Dmitry trains in Karate (GOJU-RIU school), and has a "Brown Belt"
(2-nd Kiu). His other main hobbie is а hard rock music ("Deep Purple"
H. L. Oldie's WWW-pages in Internet:
H. L. Oldie's off-line interview:
Dmitry Gromov and Oleg Ladyzhensky write under the joint pen-name:
Since 1991 they have published 44 solo books and some anthologies,
18 novels, 3 long short stories and about 30 short stories.
Since 1996 Oleg Ladyzhensky and Dmitry Gromov have been members of
"Interpresscon" and "Bronze Snail" Awards (Russia) ballot committee.
Since 1997 they have been members of the "Start" Awards (Russia)
ballot committee.
Since 2000 they have been members of the "Aelita" Awards (Russia)
ballot committee.
"FEAR" long short story and "WAITING AT CROSSROADS" novel by
H. L. Oldie got 1-st and 2-nd places at the Fantasy Competition
dedicated to Howard Phillips Lovecraft in Ekaterinburg (Russia) in 1994.
"FEAR" long short story listed in "The Best 10 SF & Fantasy Novels
and Long Short Stories" of the former USSR in 1994 (#2). Got the 2-nd
place in "STRANGER" Literary Prize Ballot.
"LIVE FOR THE LAST TIME" novel by H. L. Oldie listed in "The Best 10
SF and Fantasy Novels" of the former USSR in 1992 (# 6). The Role Game by
this novel carried out near the St. Peterburg (Russia) in 1994.
"THE TWILIGHT OF THE WORLD" novel by H. L. Oldie listed in "The Best
10 SF and Fantasy Novels" of the former USSR in 1993 (# 4). The Role Game
by this novel carried out near the Kharkov (Ukraine) in 1994.
"TO ENTER INTO IMAGE" novel listed in "The Best 10 SF & Fantasy
Novels and Long Short Stories" of the former USSR in 1994.
"NOBODY'S HOME" short story declared one of "The Best 10 SF and
Fantasy Stories" at the International SF and Fantasy Authors Meeting in
Bijsk (Russia, former USSR) in 1990 (# 7).
"MASTER" short story got in 1995 "FANCON-95" Prize as "the best
1994-95 SF & Fantasy short story".
"HOW THE ATLANTIS FELL" short story belongs to "The Best 10 SF
& Fantasy Short Stories" of the former USSR in 1994. It gots the 1-st
place and "The Great Ring" Prize.
Some short stories ("Master", "The Eighth Circle of the
Underground", "Collapse", "How the Atlantis Fell", "The Nightmares of
Pavel Lavrentievich", "The Grandfather Vampire Tales") and some parts of
"The Way" novel by H. L. Oldie were included into "Master-Radio" radio
show (Kharkov, Ukraine, 1994).
Five H. L. Oldie's books took high places in "fantastic bestsellers"
list in Moscow (Russia): "The Right of Death" -- #4, January 1996; "The
Hero Must Be Alone" -- #4, March 1996; "The Way of The Sword" -- #2,
April 1996; "The Stainglasses of Patriarchs" -- #5, June 1996; "Black
Trouble-Maker" (novel, vol. 1: "The Thunderstorm in Beznalya") -- #2,
September 1997. ("The Book Review" newspaper, Moscow, Russia, ## 6, 12,
18, 25; 1996; # 32; 1997).
In 1998 H. L. Oldie's book "Net for World Lords" ("Black Trouble-
Maker" novel, vol. 2) got the 3-rd place in the same hit-parade; and "Go
Where You Want" book ("Black Trouble-Maker" novel, vol. 3) got the 5-th
place. "I'll Take It Myself" book by H. L. Oldie took the 4-th place in
the same hit-parade -- and the 5-th place in another SF & Fantasy
bestsellers list in Moscow (Russia) ("The Book Review" newspaper, Moscow,
Russia, # 38, September 1998).
H. L. Oldie took 5-th place in Hit-Parade of SF & Fantasy writers of
former USSR in 1996 ("The Book Review" newspaper, Moscow, Russia, # 1,
In 1997 "Messiah Cleans The Disk" novel by H. L. Oldie took 9-th
place in all fiction (not only SF & Fantasy!) bestsellers Hit-Parade in
Moscow ("The Book Review" newspaper, Moscow, Russia, # 6, 1997).
But the next H. L. Oldie's book -- "Let Them Die" -- took 3-rd place
in this Hit-Parade! ("The Book Review" newspaper, Moscow, Russia, # 17,
Two H. L. Oldie's books ("To Enter into Image" and "The Way")
got "START" Prize, as "The Best Debut SF & Fantasy Books in 1994-95".
In 1997, at "Fancon" SF & Fantasy Festival in Odessa (Ukraine)
Dmitry Gromov and Oleg Ladyzhensky received three prizes: the Prize named
after Moshe Dian of Israel SF & Fantasy Fan-Club "For Synthesis of
Fighting and Art in SF & Fantasy Literature"; the Prize of Moldavian
Pridnestrovye Republic Writers Association -- for the novel "The Hero
Must Be Alone"; and the Prize of Russian Writers Association of Israel
-- for the novel "Messiah Cleans the Disk".
In 1997, at "Stranger" SF & Fantasy Writers of Russia II-nd
Congress, H. L. Oldie received "MoonSword" prize for "Stepchildren of the
Eighth Commandment" novel.
H. L. Oldie took 6-th place in Hit-Parade of SF & Fantasy writers of
former USSR in 1997 ("The Book Review" newspaper, Moscow, Russia, # 51,
In 1999, at "Star Bridge" SF & Fantasy Festival in Kharkov (Ukraine)
H. L. Oldie received "The Black Belt" (1-st dergee) as a "Fan-Do Master"
-- for some fighting fragments from their novel "Messiah Cleans the
The same year, at "ZilantCon" SF & Fantasy Festival in Kazan
(Russia) H. L. Oldie received "The Great Zilant" Prize for their novel
"The Way of the Sword".
In 2000, at "Star Bridge" SF & Fantasy Festival in Kharkov (Ukraine)
"THE BORDER" novel by H. L. Oldie, A. Valentinov and M. & S. Dyachenko
got 1-st Prize as "the best 1999-2000 SF & Fantasy novel". At the same
Festival H. L. Oldie and Andrey Valentinov got the prize from The
Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs Institute -- for their common
In 1991 Dmitry Gromov and Oleg Ladyzhensky founded "The Second
Pancake" Creative Studio. Together with assorted Russian and Ukrainian
publishers, The Second Pancace Creative Studio published more than 150
books of fantasy and science fiction from 1991 to 2000.
Популярность: 34, Last-modified: Mon, 22 Jan 2001 15:05:19 GmT